Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Thorn in my paw!

November 2008 I had my first operation. There was a thorn in my paw! We didn't realise that there was a thorn in my paw and eventially I had to have a operation to remove the sist! I was soooo drugged and unable to run around for days!

What to do when there is a thorn in your friend's paw?
Act immediately: Once you find the thorn in the paw pad, don’t touch it right away or your friend may try to run away and thus make the thorn embed itself deeper.
Calm your friend: Get your friend to sit or lie down with all pressure off the paw that has the thorn in it. Begin petting your friend in slow, sweeping motions and talking in a soothing voice so he/she stops hyperventilating. If you try to pull the thorn out when your friend is hyper-alert, his/her muscles will be contracted and it will be harder to remove.
Distract your friend: Place one hand under his/her chin and look into his eyes to gain his attention.
Yank the thorn: Once your friend is calm enough and your hand is close enough, grasp the thorn and pull it straight out in one swift movement.
Then shower your friend with love and affection to combat the horror of what just happened to him.

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